Crashing at a friends place, she's an angel for lending me her couch, feeding me and letting me leech on her internet connection.
And speaking of angels naturally leads to the subject of the heavenly and hellish hosts. I could properly write a load about either party on their own, but seeing as they are sort of two sides of the same coin, it'd be strange to leave one side out.
The basic story we all know, God created the angels and all was good. Then God created humans and some of the angels felt abandoned as God paid them no attention with the humans around. Chief amoung them was Lucifer, a war in heaven followed ending with Lucifer and his followers cast into hell.
Now that was an eternity ago and the Angels got stuck in heaven and the devils recide in hell, but the war has been raging on so to speak, a subtle chess like covert war.
There are skirmishes where angels and devils duke it out. But they focus on us humans, working behind the scenes.
You see, there is the rule of free will. we humans are free to do anything, choose our own destiny (I suspect this is one of the reasons that some angles and devils look down on us, which makes no sense, but more on that later) But with the freedom of choice comes consequence.
Heaven or hell.
Angels and devils cannot, litterally cannot, even with their impressive powers, cannot force a person to do ANYTHING. They can trick, extort, threaten and kill. But if a person won't do something, they cannot make him. and this is very important. (also the reason it's called demonic possession and not devil possesion, but that is a matter for another time)
Because while devils and angles battle eachother, they also fight each other for us. As fare as I can gather, souls are very important and some people have extraordinary souls or fates or something. But as fare as I've been able to gather, there is a greater plan in the works and the angels and devils work behind the scenes to ensure their side gets the long end of the stick.
I don't know why, I suspect most of them don't either, they just follow orders, doing their job, their duty. Angels and devils are all about duty.
I've havn't had a chance to talk to an angel, I've talked to a fallen one and a few devils and my experience is, that Angels arn't inheriently good and devils arn't through and through evil. They just do like they're suppose to be doing. protect the lords creations according to his will or seduce them into doing evil and twarting the designs of the creator and futhering the fall of man. Think of it as a serious case of OCD. But instead of washing their hands manically or counting sidewalk slabs, angels er obserssive do gooders while, devils gotta make mischief. not because they want to, they just have to, it's wired into them.
Ofcause like humans, they come in all sorts and shades, so some have it worse than others. so there's truely evil devils and there's divinely good angels.
The fallen angel I talked to insisted that the angel of Death infact had a fondness for chocolate and cards, but I think he was a little deep in his cups by then.
But getting off track, the OCD thing is the root of their emmity towards humans. angels and devils resent humans for our free will, the freedom to choose our own destiny. While theirs are set down they day they came into being or were born or turned. The lore is a little patchy there.
strangely enough as they do infact have free will as fare as I can gather, otherwise they wouldn't be able to fall.
Fallen angels, or devils (or risen if you will, but they're generally refered to as fallen also) have left their respective realm, deserted so to speak. The fallen angel I spoke to, explained that an angels has to lose his wings to fall and a devil his horns. Then they can walk the earth, free to choose their life as a human would. Now being able to make the choice to fall, indicates a freedom of choice. so whats the hazzle. mainly I think the resentmen is there because, it's always been there. there's no real reason. we're the center of their existance and they don't know why exsactly, it's just the way it's always been.
Now, there's more classes of angels and devils than fleas on a dog and the fufill all sorts of functions and gigs. But as far as I can gather, the more powerful, the rarer are their appearence in the human world and according to the bible and other scripture it's something to be thankful for. God might have been viscious in the old testament, but it was the angles that dealt out the punishment.
The fallen angel explained to me that there exist a schisme in heaven, roughly translated into new testament and old testament. the new testament angels are more liberal as he phrased it and tend to genuinly care about us. while the old testament angels view us as cattle to watched over, third reich with white wings were his words. unnerving.
Hell on the other hand is full schismes as I understand it, it's entertaining and keeps people on their toes as it was explained to me.
well it's getting late, time to tug in.
I'm starting to realize what a daunting task I've set before myself.
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