My line of work, or the life, or the call. What I do has a wide range of names, but a pretty vague job description. But to put it in simple terms, I hunt monsters. When revealing this I encountered the response "like in supernatural" a few times. so well... yes like that and no, not at all.
Monsters arn't universally evil, nun eating, ophranage burning, nail a baby to your hat fuckers. They are as a rule like you and me, some are relatively nice, some are assholes. Most just try to make it in this loonybin world of ours. Ofcause, that some have to eat nuns to survive does mottle the goodVSevil a little.
Incidently, word of caution. To non humans, monster has a ring like nigger or spic to it. For some reason it's okay for them to use it, but if you say it to their face, count yourself lucky if you come away all limbs attached. (part of the reason I choose to be annonymous, should a non human read this blog)
But I digress, while I've hunted a non human creature more than once. I consider myself a scholar, sage, book worm, etc. Than a sword and shotgun hunter. For one thing, I'm a coward. Secondly because, unlike a large part of the hunter community (not that there's much of a community real, but more on that later) I realize that a large part of the creatures we share the planet with arn't inherently evil and are perfectly content to live us alone, if we leave them alone.
So you can see where the problem with less than well balanced men and women, kicking in the door and turning over the bed to see what goes bump in the night might upset some non-people. To such a degree that I've heard that there's some non-humans out there, that hunt hunters.
This feud came uncomfortably close recently, close enough to lose me some hair on the head. so I've decided to share some of what I've learned over the years here, partially for the strictly egocentrical purpose of my work not going to waste due to my untimely death.
But also that I might give some understanding of some of the things out there.
This will be a long project, because if you think humanity is diverse, then you havn't see anything until you look into the dark corners of the world.
As a favorit writter of mine once said "if you look long enough into the abyss, it will eventually look back and wave hello"
But I plan to get around to the most common non-humans. that you might run into. Such as Devils and angels, vampires and werewolves, various magic users, dragons, trolls, faries, ghosts, demons, goblins and more.
I'll try and make my blog as coherent and organized as possible, but I might as well admit right now it's most likely a lost cause.
Well, I've almost used up my time on this computer, so until next time.
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